Circular Fashion


A regenerative system by design that aims to eliminate waste by means of reusing, repairing, re-purposing, recycling or upcycling.

Unlike the approach of the traditional linear model “take-make-waste”,
circular fashion creates a close-loop system minimizing the input of virgin raw material by upcycling waste as an alternative source for new raw material  

Three Key Principals of Circular System

- Design out waste and pollution
- Keep products and material longer in use
- Regenerate natural systems

Designing Out Waste
(production and post-consumer)


Closing the Loop

In December 2019, we launched our circular fashion pilot program, the first of its kind in the United States.
We take back every garment we sell. They will be repurposed, recycled, or upcycled.

A new source of raw material from upcycled cutting scraps and post-consumer garments.

Our Waste.jpg

Eliminating Waste

Every production byproduct such as paper, plastic, cones, tubes, packing material, pallets, etc. is sorted and recycled.